In a thrilling musical alliance, Heroes and Villains, the Columbus-based rock band, has joined forces with Tacboy from ET Boys and Mike Mexas of Saturate Band and Dark Remedy, for their first release! This electrifying collaboration promises to ignite the airwaves and bring nu sounds to the rock scene.
The Power Trio Behind “Time’s Up”
- Brock Starr: The Columbus, OH native with a long list of credits is singer / songwriter / guitar player and frontman of Heroes and Villains
- Tacboy (ET Boys): A rising star in the music world, Tacboy brings his unique voice and personal lyrical expression to the mix. His ability to infuse feeling into his vocals as well as his stage presence are a perfect match for this powerhouse collaboration.
- Mike Mexas (Saturate Band, Dark Remedy): Hailing from Houston, TX, Mike Mexas is a beloved and creative guitarist. His searing riffs and soulful melodies add tasteful depth and intensity to “Time’s Up.”
- Myles Claybourne (Saul, Left on Red): Multi-talented artist, producer, and songwriter known for his genre-bending sound and introspective lyrics. From being the drummer for Saul to producing, singing and composing, he is fast carving out his niche as a top creative!
“Time’s Up”: A Nu Alt Rock Sonic Revolution
- The single, set to release on April 13th, 2024, is a sonic voyage. Expect emotional guitar work, anthemic vibes, and lyrics that cut to the core.
- “Time’s Up” captures the urgency of the moment, urging listeners to break free from constraints, embrace change, and seize their destiny. ( on this part I would say times up captures the feeling of when something is over but a part of you still wants it to continue. Stuck in the minds of one another, the reality can be almost too painful to accept but exist nonetheless.)
Wake Up! Music Rocks: The Perfect Platform
- The collaboration finds its home on Wake Up! Music Rocks, a division of Wake Up! Music Group. Founded by visionary Pepper Gomez, this label is synonymous with Nu Music - innovation and unbridled creativity.
- Gomez’s commitment to artistic exploration transcends genres, and Wake Up! Music Rocks is where genre bending in rock and metal collide. It’s more than a label—it’s a movement.
Fans Await the Countdown
- Fans worldwide are buzzing with anticipation. Mark your calendars for April 13th as “Time’s Up” drops on all major platforms.
- Get ready to crank up the volume, feel the adrenaline, and let the music take you on an unforgettable ride.
Stay tuned for exclusive teasers, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and interviews with the artists. “Time’s Up” is about to rock your world!
Note: Follow Heroes and Villains, Tacboy, and Mike Mexas on social media for updates and sneak peeks.